Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I wasn't lying!

Normally 10,000 views in 12 days would be alot for a youtube video, but not for Part 6 of the Greatest Tragedy in Sports.  Just before Youtube decided to remove their tags (apparently they're doing this to prevent girls from making $ wearing pushup bras), Part 6 was averaging 20,000 views per day and the views were climbing.  It's the only youtube video I've ever seen that never reached its peak until now, since Youtube only has a small window for videos to get noticed.  Why it was getting so many views, is a great question and I will answer it like this:
    -99% of the public still believe Tim Donaghy was an official in game 6, 2002
    -ESPN still hasn't attempted to do any investigative work with regards to game 6.                            
    -SI was going to do a 10 year anniversary piece on gm 6, 02, but the editors killed it.
    -To my knowledge, it is the most censored topic in professional sports
    -And that topic deals with Donaghy, his allegations, & light sentence.

However since the tags that deal with this subject (Los Angeles Lakers, Sacramento Kings, 2002, Western Conference Finals, Tim Donaghy, game 6) have now been removed from youtube, the traffic to my videos have decreased by 95%.  To me this is the Greatest Tragedy of Youtube. 

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